French Toast

I tried to make the fresh toast a little special, I grated some fresh cinnamon to put on top of the french toast. I also had some really good Maple Syrup. It turned out to be a quite simple but good dinner. It reminded me of the french toast I had when I was out in Seattle, they just had a few more ingredients that made it a bit too heavy in my personal opinion.


Korean Braised Beef Short Ribs



We got some beef short ribs on a whim just because they looked so amazing. I had never cooked them or done anything with them before in my life though.

After thinking about what to do with them I had this idea of making Korean Style Beef Short Ribs. Well normally when I make Asian food (not Pakistani/Indian) the flavors never turn out quite right since well I have never really experimented with them that much.

Anyway I decided to give this a whirl. I marinated them for 24hrs or so then I decided to cook them in the crockpot and you can see the end results for yourself!


Montreal Kebab With Bell Pepper and Onion and Couscous


So we couldn’t figure out what to make for dinner decided to go to the grocery store. I saw some beef that looked great to me and well I was like I’ve never made Kebabs before so lets give this a whirl. As for the starch to go with them I made some Couscous with garlic and olive oil.

It turned out pretty good and only took about 20mins total.

Grilled Glazed Teriyaki Chicken Breasts

Decided to marinate these chicken breasts in teriyaki sauce, some brown sugar, soy sauce, chili oil and a few other things. I let it sit in the fridge in the marinade for a few days.

I cooked it up on the cast iron grill pan that I have and then let it rest and served it with some steamed rice and green beans that were cooked in some of the marinade of the chicken.

I used the marinade in the pan and cooked it down to great a glaze for the Grilled Glazed Teriyaki Chicken.


Beef Lasagna with Portobello Mushroom Sauce

Decided to do an easier dish today. So I went with Lasagna. Browned the beef with some onions, bell pepper, garlic, ginger, salt, pepper and cayenne powder.

After that was all done I added the beef to the Bertolli Portobello Mushroom Sauce. Boiled the noodles and started layering everything together. A layer of beef and sauce went down then a layer of noodles, then a layer of ricotta cheese and mozzarella cheese and repeat till its all done. I covered the top with some of the beef and sauce mixture then some mozzarella and freshly grated parmesan cheese.

Put in the oven that has been preheated to 375° F for 30mins. The final product is shown below 🙂